How do I order?
What should I consider when ordering?
What is the difference between DLO and exact?
Pre-Hung or blank?
Can I order replacement parts?
What happens if the doors show up damaged?

How do I order?

  1. Home owners: Must contact a local contractor or distributor.
  2. Contractors: Please contact your local building distributor.
  3. Building Distributors: To become a vendor of our products please contact us

 What should I consider when ordering?

  1. Door Style
  2. Color/Finish
  3. Size (DLO or Exact)
  4. Quantity
  5. Pre-hung or Blank
  6. Pre-Screened or not
  7. What hardware will you need

 What is the difference between DLO and exact?

  • D. L .O. – (Day Light Opening) –  This means that we will deduct 3/8″ from the overall width and 1/2″ from the overall height for when the door is installed.  This measurement is typically used for new screen enclosures that have not had a door previously installed. If the customer wants an opening of 36″ x 80″ we subtract the little bit to account for the door swinging inside the z-bar.
  • Exact (Tip to Tip) – This means that the measurement given to us is exactly what the blank door will measure. This is typically the case when only the screen door is being replaced on a screen enclosure or if the contractor has already taken the deductions into consideration.

Pre-Hung or blank?

  • Pre-hung doors are available in Half-Z ,Full-Z, and Weatherstrip Full-Z bar. This means that we will hinge and hang the door inside the Z-bar before shipping. This tends to be a higher quality route since we actually weld the corners of our z-bar for maximum strength versus the contractors methods of using clips.
  • Blank door means you are purchasing only the door alone. No Z-bar or Hardware pre installed.

Can I order replacement parts?

  • Every component that makes up a door can be purchased separately. These Products are found in “Accessories” under the products tab.